Monday, 18 July 2016

Independence day HD Wallpapers Free Download

This post is totally about the best 15th August hd Wallpapers. On 15th August, every patriotic citizen wants to decorate his desktop with certain hd wallpapers. We have got the best collection gatheredfrom many means including Google, Pinterest, Facebook, We Heart It, Instagram etc. To directly download Best Independence Day Hd Wallpapers, proceed at the bottom.
Independence Day brings a lot of courage to every family. They remember their forefathers who suffered deaths, saving us from Britishers. They not only sacrificed their lives but even their wealth, family etc.

Independence Day Wallpapers HD Free Download

Intense hd Independence Day Wallpapers are given below. Furnish your desktop or mobile with these wallpapers.

click here- For more hd wallpapers

Monday, 11 July 2016

Best Independence Day Shayari 2016

Best Independence Day Shayari 2016: Indians are very emotional people. They value emotions over riches because that is what their culture teaches them. People with such wide emotional ranges need a way to express their emotions and Indians have always shown a particular favoritism towards Shayari. Shayari is form of poetry written generally in Urdu, Hindi or Persian languages. For Best Happy Independence Day Shayari in English, Hindi or Urdu, proceed.

Independence Day Shayari-Click Here

Over time immemorial, people have used to Shayari to express themselves. Whenever they extremely happy, or sad, they write.  So, on Independence Day, when everyone is caught up in the glee of celebrating their freedom, people express their happiness and gratefulness in forms of Shayari.

India has endured a lot of torture and suppression due to their ill fate of being enslaved by The British.  India was a very rich country, true to its roots and culture, until the arrival of British people. They enslaved India with help of their armed forces and began their colonization of our country. Anyone who opposed them met a very abominable fate. But the brave men and women of India were not afraid of dying in their quest for getting their Mother India free from the chains of slavery of outsiders. They fought for a very long time, more than 200 years, and won in the end. And India was granted independence on 15th August 1947.
Independence Day Shayari 2016

Independence Day Shayari 2016 Hindi English Urdu

सोचता हूँ क्या दे पाउँगा जो मैंने पाया है इस देश से
क्या मैं कभी चुका पाउँगा जो मैंने पाया है इस देश से ||
फेलाना है मुझे देश सम्मान की भावना
शायद इस तरह नज़र मिला पाऊं इस देश से

Click the link at the top to read more shayari's.

Best Indian Independence Day Shayari 2016 in English

We celebrate Valentine day and We enjoy friendship day.
Because we are free and Independent to do this in India.
So the biggest achievement is our INDEPENDENT DAY.
Happy Independence Day.

Also see, Happy Independence Day Pictures 2016 HD.

This is all we have from "Best Indian Independence Day Shayari 2016".

Sunday, 10 July 2016

15th August Independendence Day Drawings

Indian Independence Day Drawings:

Independence Day is a day of pride & celebration for every nation but this time we're talking about India. Indian Independence Day is celebrated every year on 15th of August. India got its independence in the year 1947 where the documents were passed declaring India as an Independence Dominion. People on this very auspicious day search for many things on the web including independence day poemsindependence day sketches, ideas and much more. To browse for Indian Independence Day Drawings, proceed below.
Indians celebrate this 15th August with utmost affection and passion. This day begins with the speech of Prime minister at Red Fort and even the national flag is hoisted at schools, colleges, city and even at Red Fort. The day includes many more things including dance, singing, drama etc and it indeed fills everyone with a warmth of patriotism. Independence day drawings are presented below.
Indian Independence Day Drawings


 Independence Day Drawings

Indian Independence Day Drawings

Indian Independence Day Drawings

Indian Independence Day Drawings

Independence Day Paintings

Independence Day Paintings

Independence Day Paintings

Indian Independence Day Drawings

Indian Independence Day Drawings & Sketches

Drawing sketches on the independence day is one of the things which every patriotic artist wanna do for his country.
15th August is India's national holiday, but it's not mere a holiday but a reminder that even after all these years everyone remembers the sacrifices of our forefathers and will continue to remember it as long as the Nation lives as it is their blood. It is also a reminder that if ever again, the Nation finds itself in situations of peril, we will be ready to sacrifice every drop of blood we hold to serve our country and assure that it stands free and proud.
15th August carries a feeling of love in the mind of every individual citizen belong to India even if he's not living here.
This is all we have from Indian Independence Day Drawings. Stay tuned for related things like Independence day slogans, poems, sketches, songs, videos.

Happy Independence Day 2016 Wishes & Quotes

Happy Independence Day 2016:

On this Auspicious, precious and the inspirational and the National Day which gives us the many abilities, changes in the society with the freedom of Thought, Action, Faith and Speech. The day that was not gifted to us rather it was taken by huge sacrifices. The day with endless definitions. Here on this year we are going to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Independence Day & 15 August. For Happy Independence Day 2016 Wishes. proceed below.
Our country India got independence from rule of Britishers. We refused to accept slavery and fought strong enough to have a reformation and not to follow the terms of rulers. A new nation dedicated to all country men and women where all are created equal living according to desire. With the celebrations of this day, we all get patriotic feeling to serve our country with obedience and it increases day by day.
We all love our country and it is our motherland. The day represents how our country India is a great sign of unity and all the religion live together. Our brothers and sisters devoted their present for our future. Online media broadcast many articles and programs to promote the day. Everyone shows their tribute to the leaders and those who fought for India’s freedom in past, go to cultural programs where many participants perform of various schools and organizations. People sing and listen to patriotic songs.
Happy Independence Day 2016

Happy Independence Day 2016 Celebrations & Activities

The support of kite flying symbolizes Independence Day. On this day our country’s Prime Minister unfurls the National Flag at The Red Fort and The President delivers the “Address to the Nation” on the eve of Independence Day. The foreign investors and dignitaries also participate in the celebrations. A guard of honor is given by local police and armed forces personnel. A salute of 21 guns is fired. The Prime Minister delivers a speech. The military band plays the national anthem. The day has gifted us the fragrance of free air.
On this day, we celebrate our freedom. We are a free country. We have the fundamentals right guaranteed by our constitution. We have the voting rights. We have the rights to choose our government. This day is close to heart of every patriotic heart. One cannot imagine the plight of the mothers who lost their son in the battle to gain freedom for our country. But it is a matter of regret that we have forgotten the spirit of this glorious day and forget the importance of day soon after the evening.
We are more concerned to individual freedom rather than to the national independence. We should never look for what our country can do for us rather we should find what we can do for your country. All the way long our actions have shown our attitude in words as follow: "If you will ask for friendship then we will be best. If you think about Kashmir, then you will be hell" JAI HIND.